2021 World Environment Day Celebration In Afar

2021 World Environment Day Celebration In Afar

World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5, annually to encourage awareness and environmental protection.

The 2021 WED was celebrated with theme “ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION” by engaging ARRA, UNHCR IPs, OPS, local governments, and all refugee communities to focus their efforts on a pressing environmental issue.

Our organization - ANE is working on environmental protection and rehabilitation as well provision of alternative sources of energy which is directly contribute for the degradation of forests. In relation to this, inaugurating the 49th world environment day which was hosted by Pakistan, our organization celebrated this day in edutainment activities. Just at this juncture, we would like to thank all stakeholders who cordially celebrated the 2021 world environment day by planting trees, site visits, poems, drama and artistic events that are exclusively related with the global environmental protection and rehabilitation activities in Barahle and Aysaita Refugee camps where Eritrean Refugees settled.

Ecosystem Restoration can take place in many ways: -
• Actively planting more and more trees around you
• Get together with your friends and neighbors for a clean-up activity in your areas
• Save and use less water
• Buy energy-efficient appliances
• Recycle your waste products properly and etc.

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